Welcome to TwoCowgirls, the blog about our crazy life in Downtown Saint Paul!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Annual Testing, Play Dates, and Navigating the Light Rail

This was finals week for me!  I am officially finished with my first week back to school, and I finished with straight A's.  That has never happened to me before :)  Weeeee!  I love that I'm going back to school, and I love that my kids see me working towards a dream.

OK, on to our week.  Here's what we did:


The girls had their annual testing bright and early.  Elise went first.  I eavesdropped from the kids room while she tested, and it was well...hilarious.

     Tester:  Why do we have laws?
     Elise:  So people don't go cray-cray

     Tester:  What language do most people in the United States speak?
     Elise:  Spanish

He he he!  Both girls did really well on their tests.  Millie tested way above level in reading, science, and history.  She's right on grade level for everything else.  Elise tested above grade level in math, and on grade level for everything else.

After testing, we had a surprise visit from some friends.  We ended up going to a playground for a few hours.  It was a beautiful day, we all had a great time!


Today Millie had a really great piano lesson.  Afterwards, we went to playgroup at a park.  The kids all played together really well, it was pretty sweet.


DIY Club day!  Today our friends met up at our house, and we left on a Light Rail adventure.  The kids had to navigate their way from the light rail station to the Mall of America completely on their own.  We were there of course, but they weren't allowed to ask any adults for help.  They had to rely on map reading.  Millie really knew her way around.  If for some odd reason, Millie had to go to the MOA on her own, she could totally do it.  We all had lunch at the mall, and then came back home.


Today I woke up early and brought the girls down to the farm.  I needed the day to myself to do a science lab, finish up the last of my school work, and take my Earth Science lab final.  It was a great day!  I loved having some alone time.  After my lab final, Bud and I grabbed some pizza at Black Sheep.  A date!!


Today I slept in as late as possible.  It was great!!  After lunch I picked up the kids from the farm.  It was so great  to see them again :)  They showed me the brand new baby kitties that were born that morning.  Soooo sweet!  Meow :)

The weekend brought a birthday, the Style Pile, another trip to the farm, and Mothers Day brunch.  It was a great weekend!!

Find out what other homeschoolers did this week, here!

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